+Battlefield: The Battlefield is the area where all the exciting battles of Kamehouse happen! This area is not for ameteurs though! So please, if you are a member, or even if you are not, come and enjoy the Battlefield!
+Marketplace: Wanna buy that new sword that you've had your eye on? Well here's the place where you make all your economic moves! Anyone is welcomed here!
+Join Kamehouse DBZ RPG: Do you like what you see so far? Well, please join the Dragonball RPG. Many characters are available!
+Join Squaresoft RPG: Ever wanted to be one of your favorite Squaresoft characters? Well here is your chance! Please join the Squaresoft RPG for some exciting roleplaying experiences!
Final Fantasy VIII
" The world is on edge..."
" In a time of vast prosperity and technology, war is brewing between Galbadia and the world ". " The only thing to stop Galbadia is SeeD, a group of soldiers groomed since ages as early as 13 ". " Will Galbadia rule the world, or will SeeD win the battle"...
So far, all the characters are available in the world of Final Fantasy VII. No important events yet.
Join Balamb Garden
-Join Balamb Garden!
Join Galbadia Garden
-Join Galbadia Garden!
Explore Timber
-Explore the town of Timber!
Earn your First GF!
-Go to the Fire Cavern, and Earn your first Guardian Force!
Dragonball Z RPG
++ Characters
++ Battlefield
++ Dragonballs
++ Invasion
++ Adventure Quests
++ Training Quests
++ Occupation Quests
++ Sagas
++ Occupations
++ Marketplace
Final Fantasy VI
++ Characters
++ World
++ Esper System
Final Fantasy VII
++ Characters
++ World
++ Materia System
Final Fantasy VIII
++ Characters
++ World
++ Materia System
Final Fantasy IX
++ Characters
++ World
++ Ability System
Final Fantasy Tactics
++ Characters
++ World
++ Job System
++ Characters
++ World
++ Battle System
Chrono Trigger
++ Characters
++ World
++ Tech System
Chrono Cross
++ Characters
++ World
++ Elements System