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+Battlefield: The Battlefield is the area where all the exciting battles of Kamehouse happen! This area is not for ameteurs though! So please, if you are a member, or even if you are not, come and enjoy the Battlefield!

+Marketplace: Wanna buy that new sword that you've had your eye on? Well here's the place where you make all your economic moves! Anyone is welcomed here!

+Join Kamehouse DBZ RPG: Do you like what you see so far? Well, please join the Dragonball RPG. Many characters are available!

+Join Squaresoft RPG: Ever wanted to be one of your favorite Squaresoft characters? Well here is your chance! Please join the Squaresoft RPG for some exciting roleplaying experiences!

The newest feature to the Kamehouse Dragonball Z RPG. Invasions can only be chosen between one party against another. Each party has a Base or a Home, and one party tries to invade the other and take the goods inside, and possibly take the base or home.

++If this happens while the defending party is away, then you will have to rely on how strong the house is. If the party is currently at home, the party members there will have the choice to counter attack, and battle. If this happens, the defending party has the first turn, no matter how fast the attacking characters are.

++If the defending party loses, they will be idle for one week. This is the rebuilding period.

++If the attacking party loses, they will be idle for one week. This is the recovering period.

To better protect your home, you can hire guards, that act on they're own, or just go the easiest and MOST EXPENSIVE way, and capsulize your home, therfore avoiding the whole invasion thing!

 Dragonball Z RPG

Final Fantasy VI
++ Characters
++ World
++ Esper System

Final Fantasy VII
++ Characters
++ World
++ Materia System

Final Fantasy VIII
++ Characters
++ World
++ Materia System

Final Fantasy IX
++ Characters
++ World
++ Ability System

Final Fantasy Tactics
++ Characters
++ World
++ Job System

++ Characters
++ World
++ Battle System

Chrono Trigger
++ Characters
++ World
++ Tech System

Chrono Cross
++ Characters
++ World
++ Elements System