Everyone who watches Dragonball knows that the whole key to the series is the DRAGONBALLS. Mystic glowing balls that once all are gathered, the user gains 1 wish. Like the series, if someone gathers the Dragonballs and summons the Eternal Dragon, there will be rules involved.
++Immortality CAN be granted, but only for one week.
++Money is possible, but only up to 10,000 Zeni
++Power Up's are allowed, but only Power Up's in the Eternal Dragons power. I'd say the Max is 3,000 Pwr Lv points
++Ap can be gained up to 100 points.
++And above all, BE CREATIVE. Something that is allowed might not be on this list. Find different ways to use the Dragonballs.
One of the most common ways Dragonballs are used are to bring people back from the Other Dimenson.
++There are also different sets of Dragonballs with different rules associtated with them. Be that lucky one to find them!
1-Star Dragonball - Hidden
2-Star Dragonball - Hidden
3-Star Dragonball - Hidden
4-Star Dragonball - Hidden
5-Star Dragonball - Hidden
6-Star Dragonball - Hidden
7-Star Dragonball - Hidden